Autostart and Process Viewer Help.
[Autostart And Process Viewer Online]



About accepting items (what are those red items?)

Alarms - new autostart entry or process

Removing Unnecessary Autostart Programs




Tray icon of the APV program Autostart and Process Viewer Help - APV (freeware).


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Let's go....

This program allows you to view the currently running processes, and to view and remove the autostart entries.

But the most important thing is that you can "accept" the processes and autostart entries, and if a new one appears - you will be notified about it.

Why? Simply because most trojans and viruses put themselves to the autostart, and\or, must run as a process, all of this without your knowledge (unless you have this program installed:). Of course having a good anti-virus and anti-trojans software is a must, but the key problem is that a certain trojan\virus may not be detected by this programs yet (for example because a trojan is new, and the databases of anti-trojan programs are not yet aware of them).

In the following screenshot you can see the currently running processes, some of them accepted, some waiting for acceptance.

In both autostart and processes dialogs you may:











 Copyright by Konrad Papala